Shield Protection Claim
Submittal & Reporting Instructions
To file any Shield Claim (Interior, Exterior, Windshield, PDR, Tire, Wheel, Key), fill out the information requested below. You may also call us for assistance.
Helpful notes
- Tire repairs do NOT require pre-authorization. Simply fill out the Customer Information and submit it with receipts for reimbursement.
- Tire replacements and all other claim types DO require pre-authorization, except in the case of an “Emergency” repair as defined in your contract.
- With the exception of tire claims, unless the repair is being completed by your selling dealer, Kornerstone will typically refer you to a specific service provider or dispatch a mobile provider.
- Depending on your location, most providers will accept payment directly from Kornerstone. Others will have you pay up front and submit your own reimbursement claim.
- Pictures of the damage are required for all Shield claims.
- Please see your contract for general coverage exclusions.
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all of life's unexpected turns
Kornerstone is an experienced leader in vehicle claims, finance, and insurance. Let us help you navigate The Unexpected.